I was relaxing by my usual spot in the living room when there was a sudden flurry of huff coming out of the kitchen. It was brat baby Getty cursing at mom again, and mom was right behind her. It was quite startling cause baby-Getty is always making a scene and she tries to tell us all that mom is to be feared. But we know better and then we try to convince her back that she's got it all wrong; that baby brat is so stubborn, I have to put her in her place sometimes, especially when I see her hissing at mom. Well, this time I'm not sure what happened.. All I know and saw was baby brat hissing and huffing as she stalked off the kitchen. Startled, my tail bushed out a little, my eyes got real big as I stared at this scene. I didn't know what to do exactly when mom stood and looked back at me - in that awkward moment, I decided it was best to .. just flick my head the other way.
I didn't see nuttin. I look the other way.
I was relaxing by my usual spot in the living room when there was a sudden flurry of huff coming out of the kitchen. It was brat baby Getty cursing at mom again, and mom was right behind her. It was quite startling cause baby-Getty is always making a scene and she tries to tell us all that mom is to be feared. But we know better and then we try to convince her back that she's got it all wrong; that baby brat is so stubborn, I have to put her in her place sometimes, especially when I see her hissing at mom. Well, this time I'm not sure what happened.. All I know and saw was baby brat hissing and huffing as she stalked off the kitchen. Startled, my tail bushed out a little, my eyes got real big as I stared at this scene. I didn't know what to do exactly when mom stood and looked back at me - in that awkward moment, I decided it was best to .. just flick my head the other way.
I didn't see nuttin. I look the other way.